Bored Cast-in-Situ Piling: Work Definition
Also called Drilled Shaft Foundations
Major Workgroups:
Marking, Piling and Pile-head Chipping.
- Liner driving with/without shoe
- Boring and belling, with drilling slurry circulation if so.
- Fabrication and Erection of steel cage, including splicing
- Concrete placement by tremie. Concrete may be composed at site or on transit.
- Withdrawal of temporary casing
All activities for each pile are typically carried out within a day of work. Hence, progress can be tracked by number or length of piles after completion of last activity. Last activity may be concrete placement or withdrawal of temporary liner, depending on type of pile. In some cases, such as continuous flight augers, reinforcement erection is the last activity. As length of pile vary, average lengths may be grouped together as notations while tracking by number of piles.
Take off:
Usually, pile notations are subsidiary to pile-head notations.
Pile take-off is described by following parameters – Pile diameter, length of pile, typical shapes (such as under-ream, Franki bulb, tapers or steps), main rebar, length of rebar, helical or circular tie, collar rings and depth of permanent lining, length of pile chipping.
Equipment on Plant:
- Total station or other surveying equipment
- Concrete slump cone
- Cube moulds
Typical Cases:
- Unlined: Works include Boring for pile, [Stand-by] Casing, [Stand-by & Optional] Drilling Slurry Circulation, Reinforcement, Concrete Composition, Tremie Placement
- Belled Shaft: Works include Boring & belling for pile, [Stand-by] Casing, [Stand-by & Optional] Drilling Slurry Circulation, Reinforcement, Concrete Composition, Tremie Placement
- Permanently Lined: Works include Liner Driving, Boring for pile, [Stand-by & Optional] Drilling Slurry Circulation, Reinforcement, Concrete Composition, Tremie Placement
- Temporary Lined: Works include Liner Driving, Boring for pile, [Stand-by & Optional] Drilling Slurry Circulation, Reinforcement, Concrete Composition, Tremie Placement, Liner Retrieval
- Driven Cast-in-Situ: Works include Liner Driving, [Add-on] Pile Shoe, [Stand-by & Optional] Drilling Slurry Circulation, Reinforcement, Concrete Composition, Tremie Placement, Liner Retrieval. Note that, this is a displacement pile.
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