A vast majority of projects around the world today are carried out with the project-manage or independent-engineer system. For the uninitiated, the PMC is a pivotal agency that connects different agencies in construction such as stake-holders, contractors, designers, suppliers etc. We have discussed at length about the different methods of project organization, how project managers operate and advantages of the PMC system in this website.
Services offered by Agile civil engineers for factories and warehouse construction is elaborated here with list of major projects and clients. Other useful information for project stake holders are presented in articles about cost control of projects and systematic treading through construction (and of course, how we can help you through them).
A very useful tool developed by our team is a web sheet calculator to estimate construction costs for eight types industrial or warehouse buildings. It takes building dimensions and calculates the costs based on a optimized design routine, as per current market rates.
Some useful information on project management for experts in construction such as builders, contractors and project managers are included towards the end of this page.
About Project Management Services