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The Complete

Project Managers


A vast majority of projects around the world today are carried out with the project-manage or independent-engineer system. For the uninitiated, the PMC is a pivotal agency that connects different agencies in construction such as stake-holders, contractors, designers, suppliers etc. We have discussed at length about the different methods of project organization, how project managers operate and advantages of the PMC system in this website.


Services offered by Agile civil engineers for factories and warehouse construction is elaborated here with list of major projects and clients. Other useful information for project stake holders are presented in articles about cost control of projects and systematic treading through construction (and of course, how we can help you through them).


A very useful tool developed by our team is a web sheet calculator to estimate construction costs for eight types industrial or warehouse buildings. It takes building dimensions and calculates the costs based on a optimized design routine, as per current market rates.


Some useful information on project management for experts in construction such as builders, contractors and project managers are included towards the end of this page.

About Project Management Services

Construction Support Services for MSME

Construction Support Services for MSME

Brief introduction about our planning, design and project management services for factories and warehouse projects
10 Checks to Control Construction Cost for Owners

10 Checks to Control Construction Cost for Owners

And how modern construction companies take care of each of them efficiently...
Fair Cost for Industrial Shed or Warehouse Building Construction

Fair Cost for Industrial Shed or Warehouse Building Construction

Calculate cost estimate for new industrial or warehouse projects. Compare eight building different types.
Cost Control Techniques in Construction

Cost Control Techniques in Construction

L1 Supply Webinar session on cost control techniques in construction, July 2020  ...
Professional Construction Management Services

Professional Construction Management Services

About our professional construction management (PMC) services for industries, individuals and investors...
360 degree Engineering

360 degree Engineering

 "A simple algorithm on your association with our products, business and services"If...
Outline of PMC Services

Outline of PMC Services

Project management is the art of balancing cost, progress and quality objectives...
Traditional & Professional Contracting Methods

Traditional & Professional Contracting Methods

How and when do individuals, industrialists and investors need project management services...

Project Management Techniques

Quality Control by RACI Method

Quality Control by RACI Method

About the modern and practical approach of quality control by redundant organization...
Rate Analysis for Plastering in CM

Rate Analysis for Plastering in CM

A calculator for rate analysis of plastering, various cases including special efforts...
Quality Control by Checklist Method

Quality Control by Checklist Method

About the conventional approach of quality control by checklists filled out everytime...
Isolated Sloped Footing with Neck Column

Isolated Sloped Footing with Neck Column

Parametric BOQ calculator for isolated sloped footings, excavation, binding and neck column...
7 details that construction managers should always know about their project

7 details that construction managers should always know about their project

Questions that project managers face and their extraordinary capabilities to answer them...
Challenges in Indian Construction Industry

Challenges in Indian Construction Industry

Major research works on key challenges in India and how Baevr mitigates...
Modules & Features in Baevr

Modules & Features in Baevr

Integrated management method that caters to just about every practical situation in construction...
Baevr Construction Management Suite

Baevr Construction Management Suite

Baevr helps builders and contractors to control projects by lean production principles...
How many Excel Sheets will you maintain?

How many Excel Sheets will you maintain?

As many files as tasks and as many versions as team members...
Focus on Cash

Focus on Cash

More construction companies fail due to incorrect financial management than business profitability*...

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